Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Martha Stewart sadly I am not.

  So last Monday, the 29th of June my baby boy turned 5.  I had planned a party for him with an Avengers theme.  Then Sunday night Tropical Storm FLossie rolled in.  My hubby heard about how it had shifted and was heading straight for Oahu now so he was like lets cancel till next Monday.  Flossie turned out to be a flop.  So we canceled for no reason.  But I was like oh this will give me more time to get the stuff ready for the party.
   When will I learn.  I mean honestly.  Yeah Sunday rolls around and no cake was made, the shoulder was not ready to go in the smoker, nothing was done.  I am the Queen of procrastination.  And so is my hubby.  The hubs and I LOVE to cook.  I love to have people over and what not as long as its my house.  HOwever every single time I stress myself out.  So I was certain this time would be different.  Wrong.
   MOnday was the first day of school.  Since Kiley is in second grade she had a full day.  Josh had to go in for an hour to do a placement test.  This comes into play later.  I take her to school Monday morning.  I then come home and make his cake cause we make and decorate their cakes for their parties.  We used to though and I felt guilty.  Between the two of us the hubs and I can knock out some pretty awesome cakes.  So its normally not a big deal.  Yesterday it was a big deal.  Justin had to work unexpectedly.  Like I knew he wouldn't be there for the first walk to school due to a Town Hall Meeting but then he was supposed to be home the rest of the day.  A work emergency called him back to work.  So While he was at the Town Hall meeting I decided to flip the cake out of the pan.  It stuck, came out in pieces.  So I go into freakout mode.  Called the hubs.  Told him when you get home we have to run to Walmart (Commissary isn't opened on Mondays due to furlough so commissary was out) I have to get new cake mixes and redo this.  He then says ok why don't we just buy him a cake.  >.<  NO NO NO it has to be homemade.  He said go to Costco.  I will start the shoulder smoking we should get it done in time.  Famous last words.  His phone rang and suddenly he is back at work and I am scrambling to get some hamburger thawed since we are now doing burgers no long BBQ.  So I am freaking cause of this.  Then I get to Costco, they don't do Avengers cakes.  So I had to have them make me a plain cake.  She quotes me 30 minutes.  Ok I can do that that will put me leaving Costco by 11 still plenty of time to get home get things ready and then be able to take Josh to school at 115.  WRONG.  Cake fridge at Costco DIES so the baker is running around yelling I HAVE TO MAKE A CAKE and no one would let her they expected her to fix the fridge.  So 1130 I finally have the cake.  I grabbed some lunch at the costco snack bar (Cheapest meal on island) and then headed home.

  I get home and get things together.  Then realize crap I have to get him to school no biggie I drop him off at 115 pick him up at 205 with his sister I have almost an hour to myself to get the house picked up and floors mopped.  Justin calls.  I have to go to Walmart and get charcoal and floor cleaner. >.<  Ok baby I will be back in a second.  OH NO I can't leave him there I have to wait with him.  Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things but when I had planned on not being there for 90 minutes it was a huge deal cause his testing took longer than they had allotted.  Finally we got home, and got everything together.  Justin decorated the cake, I got the sides made but never again will I plan a party for the first day of school.