Monday, May 28, 2012

Big dogs present problems that I am unprepared for.

  I have written before about Roxy.  She is about 7 months old.  And its hard to remember she is a puppy still cause of her size.  She almost make it to my knee.  Growing up I was around larger dogs but since being married we have had small to medium.  I thought I was in the clear cause what I remember from having large dogs growing up was the tail clearing the coffee table when they got excited.  Well Roxy has a stub so I was like no worries.  Yeah I was mistaken.
  Kiley's birthday is tomorrow so today I went to the Commissary and got some butter cause she wanted a pineapple upside down cake for her family birthday tomorrow.  I was like ok I can do that.  I went ahead and made it this afternoon so I could let it cool completely and let the caramel get set and perfect for tomorrow.  It looked AWESOME.
  Bedtime rolls around and I went to go put the kids to bed.  The pineapple upside down cake was sitting on a plate on the back of the stove.  I went upstairs did the normal routine was upstairs maybe 10 minutes.  As I am walking down the stairs I hear what sounds like the dogs tag hitting her food bowl.  I was like oh Roxy is eating.  WAIT I Haven't fed her yet, so I tear down the stairs and around the corner to see her on her hind legs with half the cake in her stomach.  The half she could reach.  Thankfully I found a can of pineapple in the cabinet so I was able to remake it.  That sucker went in the microwave as SOON as it was out of the pan in case I had to leave the room.  So this month alone since Justin has been gone between the kids and the dogs Remi is the only one who is not on my list.  Justin needs to hurry up and get home I need a freaking break.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

You never let me do anything Dangerous

   Kids really do blow your mind with the things that come out of their mouths.  As an adult a lot of times you have to be the one to dish out punishment or be the stern voice of reason when all you really wanna do is dissolve into giggles cause of what was just said.  I truly believe it takes someone who is aware that they are crazy to agree to birth a child and be completely responsible for their well being until they are old enough to care for themselves.  Half the time I am not even sure I can care for my own well being much less a child.  But I have two and I can honestly say that if take a certain kind of crazy to raise a child or children it takes a level of insanity to raise a boy.
   Kiley was my first baby and I can say I was honestly spoiled by her.  Sure she had issues with reflux and colic in the beginning but all in all she was such a chill baby.  Car trips for the most part were a breeze.  There was this one time where she screamed from Atlanta to almost Nashville but trips like that were few and far between.  We would go outside and play and she never ran off she would stay with me where ever I was and play quietly and should she go to wander off I could say Kiley, and she would come back.  So when I discovered I was pregnant again when she was 16 months old I was like ok this is gonna be a breeze.  Oh I have never been more wrong in my life.
   From the moment he was born he decided it was going to be his way or no way.  I was scheduled for a c section at 39 weeks.  However at 36 weeks I went in for an NST and he was non responsive to the tests, wasn't moving, and had a low heart rate.  So they took me back for an ultrasound and it was determined if he stayed in much longer he would be at risk of not making it.  So I was scheduled for an emergency c section later that night.  At birth he was unable to regulate his blood sugar so for like three days he had to have an iv, with glucose to keep him from bottoming out.  From the start where Kiley had been chill Josh was a bit high maintenance.   If Kiley dirtied a diaper when little she would grunt and then keep a nasty face till changed.  Josh pooped and would SCREAM until changed.  Kiley got hungry she would whimper for her bottle only cry if she got completely through the roof ticked off.  Josh if the bottle was not waiting as soon as he woke up he would get so worked up you would have to calm him down to feed him.  He hated being in the car, he hated being in the swing, he hated being anywhere but on a blanket on his back or in your lap.  Don't get me wrong I wasn't miserable with him, no I love the little stink but it was like having opposite ends of the spectrum.
  Toddler years are interesting anyway but add the boys no fear attitude and I can tell you this is where I pinpointed my grey hairs.  He is constantly looking for things to get into.  Starting with as a 20 month old he used half a dog kennel as a sled and took it off the couch, the back of the couch.  I was in the bathroom and I heard a God awful racket and him running in the bathroom both hands up saying I ok I ok.  He has attempted to shave his lip off, he has bitten through his chin thinking he could fly, fallen down the stairs more times than I can count, spent hours while mommy and sissy were sleeping rearranging the pantry.  We have turned off the water to the sink in their bathroom, so to wash hands they must come to us to go to a working sink otherwise he spends his time pouring water in his dresser, the toy box, or anywhere that he can pour water.
   Since we have gotten to Hawaii Mommy has wised up.  We now have a bike lock on the frig cause otherwise he can bypass the child locks.  I woke up one morning to him with 6 empty jello cups, and an empty container of chocolate cream cheese.  He is constantly putting things in his mouth.  Since being here he has taken an exlax pill, and swallowed an air soft pellet that to the DAY i have no idea where he got it since we don't have them.  Here lately his new thing is if I tell him no he can't do something he stomps away declaring I am never allowed to do ANYTHING.  So after listening to to this for about three weeks today when he pulled that line I said Bubba do we not go to North shore and get ices?  Mommy takes you to the park, we go to the NEX for treats, you get toys, how does mommy not let you do anything?  He stops for a minute then looks at me and says You never let me do anything DANGEROUS!!!!  Well Son I guess you have me there how dare I not let you play with knives, eat raw eggs, or grab the dogs tongue and yank.  I am so not looking forward to his Teenage years and I am thinking of being commited when he starts to drive.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Roxy we need to talk.............

  My husband has wanted a German Short Haired pointer for about  year.  When we got to Hawaii I was looking online and found a lady selling some GSP puppies.  So in February we went to the North Shore and brought home Roxy.  We were waiting patiently for our other dog Remi to get to the island so I figured I could get Roxy used to the house and us before Remi got here.

  First of all it has been AWHILE since I have had a larger dog.  I had somehow managed to forget that the bigger the dog the smaller they believe they are.  Roxy is almost 40 pounds at 7 months.  She thinks she is 7 pounds.  She doesn't realize that her little wiggle she does when excited if that butt hits one of the kids they are flying across the room.  When that happens she looks at me like WTH mom why did they do that?  What happened?  She is not allowed on the couch (yeah right I am not as strict with it as the husband is) however the minute I sit on the couch she comes bounding through the house and lays on my chest.  She doesn't realize she is too big to lay around my shoulder like a fur stole.  She likes to stick her nose in your ear and huff repeatedly. The dog is insane.

  Roxy loves to eat.  Constantly she is begging for food she is not always hungry but she thinks she has to eat.  Last night I went to give the kids a bath, and forgot to clear the island off.  But I figured hey its a huge bowl of salad dogs won't eat salad.  WAS I EVER WRONG!!!!!!!  I heard a HORRIBLE crash so I quickly yank the boy out of the tub and wrap a towel around him and told him to wait and ran downstairs thinking Oh my God they drug the skillet off the oven and there is oil all on my floor or something equally as horrible.  I come around the corner of the kitchen expecting to see the dog engorging herself on chicken breasts or something just as meaty and more likely for a dog to eat.  No my dog was eating salad.  Straight lettuce and dressing, no bacon, no meat at all.  I yelled ROXY, she looked up wagging her tail with a piece of Romaine stuck between her eyes.  Remi was no fool, she at least had grabbed the chicken breast looking at Roxy like seriously Salad?  I think Roxy is destined to be a Vegetarian this is the same dog that begs for pineapple and carrots and will sometimes turn her nose up to her lamb treats.

  I sometimes wonder if the good Lord above will bless me with a normal animal one time.  THen I realized what's the fun in that.  She is a character but she is my character and I wouldn't have it any other way......ok well maybe I would like her to be a character with out laying on my chest.  Yeah stop the chest laying and she is pretty perfect for this house.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ramblings from a brain affected with children.

  So here I am once again joining the world of blogging.  Used to do this so long ago on Myspace and I used Tumblr for awhile I just forgot my log in.  I miss the ease of which I could blog when I was on Myspace perhaps this will be an outlet I won't forget to use.
   I guess I should introduce myself.... I am 30 years old, married stay at home mother of 2.  I presently live on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, some people call it Hawaii I call it freaking AWESOME.  I spend my days refereeing fights between the kiddos, fights between the dogs, and pondering life's important questions.  You know like why am I here, what is the meaning of life, who was the first person to taste everything to determine should we eat this or not, and finally HOW DID Gibbs get that boat out of his basement?  I can be serious but I prefer being not serious I like to face life's issues with a bit of humor so when it sucker punches you in the back of the head you don't feel quite as bad since it sucker punched you with a smile on your face.
   I am no Stepford wife so please don't go into this expecting me to teach you the wonders of pearls and heels.  I am more likely to come in here and tell you a story of how a strand of pearls conspired with my heels to attack me ninja style and leave me with a sprained ankle or something crazy like that.  More often than not this will be a place I can be a kind of adult since all I speak to in real life during the day is a 6 year old who thinks she is 17, and a 3 year old whose newest obsession is asking me to name part for part what cars are made of or asking me to explain to him how farts happen.  Consider yourselves my adult escape.