Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ramblings from a brain affected with children.

  So here I am once again joining the world of blogging.  Used to do this so long ago on Myspace and I used Tumblr for awhile I just forgot my log in.  I miss the ease of which I could blog when I was on Myspace perhaps this will be an outlet I won't forget to use.
   I guess I should introduce myself.... I am 30 years old, married stay at home mother of 2.  I presently live on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, some people call it Hawaii I call it freaking AWESOME.  I spend my days refereeing fights between the kiddos, fights between the dogs, and pondering life's important questions.  You know like why am I here, what is the meaning of life, who was the first person to taste everything to determine should we eat this or not, and finally HOW DID Gibbs get that boat out of his basement?  I can be serious but I prefer being not serious I like to face life's issues with a bit of humor so when it sucker punches you in the back of the head you don't feel quite as bad since it sucker punched you with a smile on your face.
   I am no Stepford wife so please don't go into this expecting me to teach you the wonders of pearls and heels.  I am more likely to come in here and tell you a story of how a strand of pearls conspired with my heels to attack me ninja style and leave me with a sprained ankle or something crazy like that.  More often than not this will be a place I can be a kind of adult since all I speak to in real life during the day is a 6 year old who thinks she is 17, and a 3 year old whose newest obsession is asking me to name part for part what cars are made of or asking me to explain to him how farts happen.  Consider yourselves my adult escape.

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